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 1. Adrienne Rich  Driving Home From Robin Blaser's Reading (4 short poems)  SUNY Buffalo / Oct-18-2000 
 2. Song  Robin Blaser  Reading at UBC 
 3. Robert Creeley  After School by Robin Blaser  Reading at the East Vancouver Cultural Center, September 11, 2003 
 4. Robin Blaser  Robin Blaser at the Woodland Pattern Bookstore  Woodland Pattern Bookstore / Milwaukee , Oct-2-2004 
 5. Bernadette Mayer  Short Poems  The Line Reading Series, The Drawing Center, NYC, 4/18/00, pt. 3 
 6. Bernadette Mayer  Short Poems  The Line Reading Series, The Drawing Center, NYC, 4/18/00, pt. 3 
 7. Holman, Bob  Poems from Short Fuse   
 8. Lee Ann Brown  Comfit - several short poems  Untitled - 10-29-03 
 9. George Economou  Interview with Joe Gouveia and Reading of Poems an   
 10. A.J. Collins  A.J. Collins Q&A on reading poems aloud when he writes  From the Fishouse 
 11. Langston Hughes  Langston Hughes reading & discussing his poems  Album 
 12. Chad Davidson  Chad Davidson Q&A on hearing and reading poems  From the Fishouse 
 13. Chad Davidson  Chad Davidson Q&A on hearing and reading poems  From the Fishouse 
 14. Gillian Kiley  Gillian Kiley Q&A on reading her poems alound when she writes  From the Fishouse 
 15. Chevrolet  An Exciting Thing (Driving A Car) / Grown-Up Baby (Driving Psychology) / Man-Made Laws (Common Sense Driving)  Chevrolet Sings Of Safe Driving And You 
 16. Chevrolet  An Exciting Thing (Driving A Car) / Grown-Up Baby (Driving Psychology) / Man-Made Laws (Common Sense Driving)  Chevrolet Sings Of Safe Driving And You 
 17. George Economou  Interview with Joe Gouveia and Reading of Poems and Translations from Acts of Love  Poet's Corner with Joe Gouveia - September 21, 2006 
 18. George Economou  Interview with Joe Gouveia and Reading of Poems and Translations from Acts of Love  Poet's Corner with Joe Gouveia - September 14, 2006 
 19. George Economou  Interview with Joe Gouveia and Reading of Poems and Translations from Acts of Love  Poet's Corner with Joe Gouveia - September 21, 2006 
 20. E'Town Express  Driving Me Home  First Five Tracks 
 21. Paul Rogers and Blaire Palmer  Driving Home   
 22. Yo La Tengo  Driving Home  They Shoot We Score 
 23. Beacons  Driving Home For Christmas  'tis The Season To be Filthy 
 24. Frontier Ruckus  Driving Home, Christmas Eve  SSMXMAS2006 
 25. Frontier Ruckus  Driving Home, Christmas Eve  SSMXMAS2006 
 26. Frontier Ruckus  Driving Home, Christmas Eve  SSMXMAS2006 
 27. Frontier Ruckus  Driving Home, Christmas Eve  SSMXMAS2006 
 28. Frontier Ruckus  Driving Home, Christmas Eve  SSMXMAS2006 
 29. Frontier Ruckus  Driving Home, Christmas Eve  Christmas Cheer 
 30. Chris Rea  Driving Home For Christmas  The Very Best Of Chris Rea   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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